Saturday, October 13, 2012

Paper Type

Here are some common types of paper used in making papermodel 

1.      HVSHaving a thickness of 70-100 gsm. 
Can be used for beginner to expert.This type is the most readily available, but for models with a large size (up to 30 cm high) is not good because it is not sturdy. 

2.      WF paper 'can be called a paper picture book'Having a thickness of 120-160 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.The paper is easy to find in a book or sketchbook drawings (listed on the back cover), it is not easy Buluan / moldy when it was established. Paper can be used as an alternative if trapped, living picture torn from a book. 

3.      Inkjet paperHaving a thickness of 100-135 gsm. 
Can be used for beginner to expert.This paper print quality light, generally only one side for printing. It is suitable for paper models the color. 

4.      Briefcard / BCHaving a thickness of 160-220 gsm.
Can be used for medium to expert.It is suitable for papermodel with sizes above 30 cm, as thick and sturdy. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to build a scrapbook page

Pick your photos
First, select your photos based on one theme or event—a child’s first birthday, your weekend trip to the coast or an everyday event like the kids’ bath time. Think of each page as having a story to tell.
Many layouts are created in a double-page spread—meaning, when you open your album, the page on the right and the page on the left will match in color and theme. Consider this when you pick out your photos. You might choose to have one very special photo on a page, or you might want to fit 3 or 4 photos per page. Do keep in mind that while it may feel like progress to fit a lot of photos on one page, pages often look better when they’re not quite as crowded.
What if your photos won’t work on a double-page spread? You can create single pages rather than a double-page spread—so don’t feel you must always do one or the other. Work with what you have, rather than how you think your album should be laid out. Remember, there’s no right and no wrong!
Whether you place one really special photo on a page or 3-6 photos, there should be a common theme connecting them. Once you’ve chosen a theme, decide which pictures look best together. Don’t be afraid to edit—just because you took two rolls of film at Christmas doesn’t mean you need to use all of those photos.

What's Scrapbook???

Scrapbooking is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of a scrapbook. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journaling.

How to Make Danbo Papercraft

in this post I will share about how to make danbo,,
you must know the shape danbo doll,,nah ... 
why do not we do not try to make your own,,easy way,,
it just takes patience and thoroughness ..: D 
First - we prepare all the equipment that we will use
 - Danbo papercraft model (which is already in print)
 - Scissors 
 - Cutter
 - Glue
 - Ruler
steps to make danbo
print image below danbo models

Monday, October 1, 2012

assemble Airbrush

Airbrush or spray gun, which is used by the modeler Plamo ... but here the spray gun is used to model the paper. Technique or method of painting with an airbrush you can search on Google.

Airbrush is expensive, especially the compressor, here is explained how to assemble or create a compressor which is quite affordable. Prepare the following tools:

  •      Hose aquarium
  •      Pentyl tires
  •      Electric pump is used for motorcycle or car
  •      Adaptor 10-15 ampere

How: Connecting hose to the nipple akurium tires, the existing nipple connected to the other side of the pump connected to the spray gun. Disassemble the electric pump plugs no wires (+) and (-) continued with the adapter. Adjust swivel adapter to adjust the voltage of the electrical power required and the electric pump.

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